
IAAE Canada
Accreditation Program Presentations at FOAM 2019

Just ONE week left to submit your outline!

In January 2017, our Board of Examiners approved a 'reset' for all Certified Members. Regardless of when you joined the Accreditation Program, everyone got a new program timeline of three years. 2019 marks the third year of that 'reset'.

As an option for the Written Requirement Phase of the Accreditation Program, candidates can choose to prepare and present a topic at FOAM or another recognized industry conference.

There are currently 4 presentation spots available at the 2019 FOAM Conference, May 5-8, 2019 in Montreal.

To be considered as a candidate for the FOAM Conference presentation session, please submit your
presentation general outline to michelle@iaaecanada.org by Friday, February 22, 2019

Please Note: For this instance, the four month approval time has been shortened. The Board of Examiners will review all submissions and announce those chosen to present.

View the Accreditation Presentation Guidelines

Questions? Contact Michelle M. Cretzman, our Accreditation Program Administrator
