
A.A.E and A.A.P...The Marks of an Airport Professional!

Toronto - Nov 1 - 5, 2021

IAAE Canada's premier and industry recognized Accreditation Academy is an annual event, not to be missed by those looking to earn the Accredited Airport Executive (A.A.E.) or the Accredited Airport Professional (A.A.P.)

Both the A.A.E. and the A.A.P. are internationally recognized designations and comprehensive professional development programs designed to cover all aspects of airport management. As an A.A.E. or A.A.P., you will have earned the respect of your professional peers.

The Accreditation Academy provides a comprehensive overview of the IAAE Canada body of knowledge to prepare the candidates to write the Certified Member exam. Upon completion of the Accreditation Academy and a successful passing grade of the onsite Certified Member exam, which is the first phase of the process, the member will be recognized as a Certified Member and may use the professional designation of C.M. after their name.

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Learn More about our Accreditation Programs

"IAAE Canada accreditation makes tangible, my years of experience in airport operations and management. The high standards set by IAAE Canada attaches credibility to my skill set.
This accreditation allows our industry to have a professional designation specific to the management
of Canadian airports. This accreditation attached to my name defines me as an airport
management professional and will allow me to remain competitive in my industry.”

Joe Yakimchuk AAE
Airport Project Manager
Kelowna International Airport

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