
2021 Cross Country Member Check Up

Join our Board of Directors today, April 13th at 12pm (EST)
for a Members Only Virtual Meeting

Terry Bos AAE

Mike Karsseboom AAE

Sheila McGuigan AAE

Kevin Campbell AAE

Sam Samaddar AAE

Trent Gervais

Delia Chesworth AAE

Bernadette Kirk AAE

Chris Wood AAE

Gerry Vanderhoek AAE

Laura Mortensen AAP

Kelvin Williamson

Dear IAAE Canada Member,

Let's have a conversation and check in with each other.

We are offering this virtual meeting to IAAE Canada Members only to connect, share and support each other during this unprecedented time in our industry.

Join your Canadian Aviation Industry peers with topics including: Mental Wellness during a Pandemic, Keeping Your Airport Safe on a Reduced Budget and more.

Members can join us via this link