Approach Navigation Systems Inc. (ANS Inc.)
ANS is a Canadian Corporation providing Airport navigational and airfield solutions to the North American marketplace. We offer complete solutions from design, supply, Install and commissioning of all the products and services we provide to our customers focusing primarily on small to medium size airports.
We with our strategic manufacturing partners provide all our products and services to ICAO and FAA Standards including the latest in LED Lighting, Approach Systems, ILS Landing Systems and airport AWOS Systems.
ANS has been providing these services for over 25 years. We are based in Eastern Canada with capabilities and personal to service our customers throughout North America.
The International division of ANS specializes in airport solutions for some of the more challenging and harsh regions around the world offering customized engineered solutions to fit the more complicated and demanding delivery environments.
For more information, please contact:
Stephen Leadbetter
VP Marketing & Bus. Development
Approach Navigation Systems